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Serverless Image Optimizer

Uses S3 & Lambda to take an image in originals folder in S3, and turns it into various sizes and optimized.

Allows you to drop in a raw file (png, jpg), and have it process (optimize & resize) into multiple outputs.





  • /processed/500x500/test.jpg
  • /processed/1000x1000/test.jpg


Step 1: Install Serverless Framework

Step 2: Setup IAM user with following policy (still trying to work out best for first 5):

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "Stmt1482712489000",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

Step 3: Ensure to have your serverless config set up so it can deploy to AWS

Step 4: You also need to make sure your bucket is configured for clients to set a public-accessible ACL by unticking these two boxes: S3 Properties

Step 5: Create an S3 bucket, with the folders originals and processed in it.

Step 6: Set the bucket name in the serverless.yml

Step 7: Node runtime is no longer bundled for nodejs10 and later so we need to provide an extra layer to our Lambda. I found this Gitbub repository which provides a layer you can easily deploy. I just clicked the “Deploy” button, waited 5 minutes and I got a new private layer in my AWS account. Just update the layers in serverless.yml once done.

Step 8: Run the deployment commands below in Deploy.

Step 9: Add your files into S3 /originals/ folder in the new bucket created. Note: you MUST use a sub folder for sizes (eg 500x500 or 500x500_1000x1000 folder with files in there).

The layer add the required libraries in /opt/bin. That is why we need to tell ImageMagic to look in that folder.

Step 10: Check CloudWatch Logs to see if there are any errors from the index.js file.

Step 11: Repeat until it's working and CloudWatch logs shows success (or that files exist... same same).


Run the following commands from within the project folder:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="xxxxxx"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="yyyyyy"

docker build -t serverless-image-optimizer .
docker run --platform linux/amd64 --rm -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY serverless-image-optimizer


  • If you have an existing S3 bucket you want to use, add - existing: true to the serverless.yml underneath the bucket in S3.
  • If you're stuck in "UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED" status, go into CloudFormation in the "Stacks", find your stack, and then go "Stack Actions" and then "Continue Update Rollback"


  1. Move all options from index.js at the top to the serverless.yml env variables.
  2. Describe the options in this readme.
  3. Write a medium article with instructions.


Serverless Image Optimizer using AWS S3 + Lambda. Can drop images in, and outputs multiple optimized sizes.






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