Posted On: Jul 20, 2020

AWS Managed Services (AMS) is pleased to announce a new context-based proactive incident notification service. Now incident notifications for critical CloudWatch alarms based on incident context are proactively delivered to you faster.

The context-based incident notification service enables you to understand the critical incidents for your instances, impacted resources, and suggested corrective actions proactively. You can initiate events, or take other timely actions based on the incidents. The advanced context based alert routing feature is active for most of the essential CloudWatch alarms such as Amazon EC2 instance failure, Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volume capacity utilization - Root usage, EBS NonRoot usage, High Memory utilization, High Swap usage, and High CPU utilization for EC2. The new context-basedproactive incident notification service supports all regions where AWS Managed Services is available. Learn more about AMS here and download the Forrester Total Economic Impact™ study.